Hello there. I thought after all this time my readers deserved to see what I look like. I have been painting since I can remember. I have a degree in Studio Art from Angelo State University but quickly realized I would starve to death trying to survive as an artist. So I used my science and biology hours to have a wonderful thirty year career with the Texas Commission on Enviromental Quality. My job took me to the most beautiful parts of Texas and the parts I feel most connnected to as a sixth generation Texan. I have always painted landscapes because it is in the land and the earth that I find meaning.
I recently had a series of severe seizures. I lost a week. One moment I was fixing my elderly mother lunch at her country home near Utopia and the next thing I remember is a week later waking up in a hospital bed. I'm feeling better every day, thanks for asking.
But here is the strange and wonderful part. As an artist, I have always had conflicts reconciling my urge to capture the beauty of the land in a representational manner and my urges as a contemporary and modern artist to embrace abstraction, the thought of a canvas or piece of paper being nothing more than for an artist to express themselves on. My heros were Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock, Milton Avery, Picasso, Monet.........you get the picture, I love them all.
Here is the wonderful part and it makes all the agony and inconvenience of the seizures worthwhile. I now paint differently. All the conflicts I once had are gone, it is all there for the taking when I pick up a brush or a pastel now. I feel complete. And I feel like my major life's work is ahead of me. I feel like a young hopeful artist I once was. I am looking forwards to sharing some of this new work with you. it is not drasticlly different from my older work. I have just been able to put more of who I am into it. Thanks for reading this.

Still Life With Cactus Blossom

It has been awhile since I put anything new here. I plan to get some help with my website and want to start over with one of three or four different sites such as Artspan. I am posting a pastel titled originally "Still Life With Cactus Blossom" but I want to change the title to "Cactus Blues" instead. I won first place in the Still Life division of the Texas Pastel Society's first annual juried competition/show. The juror was Lorenzo Chavez, one of my very favorite artist. So I was quite honored.

Bright Morning and Low Tide

This pastel is 27 x 38, the largest I have done. If you have ever been to Port Aransas, Texas they have the famous south jetty. This was painted at the foot of the jetty. I always have wondered what that jetty rock is doing way off by itself. It had rained the night before but cleared bright and sunny. The rock off by itself was so dark I just had to paint it that way! The price on this pastel is $875.00. It has a wonderful frame around it. I will ship it free and insured.
I just found out today that Andrew Wyeth has died. Mr. Wyeth certainly changed the way I look at art. Up until I first saw Christina's World I thought the only function of a painting was to be as pretty as you could make it. Mr. Wyeth was fierce and frightening in his honesty and it stunned me like I had been struck with a baseball bat. Mr. Wyeth, thank you for opening my eyes.

The One I Got Up Early For

The One I Got Up Early For
30 x 24 oil

Strange Cloud

Strange Cloud
24 x 48 oil

Port Aransas Beach

Port Aransas Beach
20 x 24 oil

On the Road to D'hanis

On the Road to D'hanis
16 x 24 oil

On the Pecos

On the Pecos
24 x 36 oil

Near the River

Near the River
24 x 24 oil

Near the Cedar

Near the Cedar
18 x 24 oil

Gulf Series # 4, Revised 2009

Gulf Series # 4, Revised   2009
24 x 36 oil

Edge of the Field, Revised 2009

Edge of the Field, Revised   2009
29 x 60 oil

Ten Percent Chance of Rain 2009

Ten Percent Chance of Rain   2009
48 x60 oil

In THe Woods 2009

In THe Woods   2009
18 x 24 oil

Red Takes a Stand 15 x 23 appx

Red Takes a Stand  15 x 23 appx